Monday, February 21, 2011

Word Bank Poem

Twists and Flips
Life's twists and flips are sometimes overwhelming,
People say life is like a roller coaster for this reason,
I think differently.
A roller coaster is predictable,
You can see the twists you are heading for.
Most things life throws at you, you never see coming,
Embarrassing moments, broken bones, a lost loved one...
Sometimes it would be better if life were more like a roller coaster,
Your tracks laid out for you to see,
to be prepared for moments that hurt down to your soul,
but then again... I think differently.
Sometimes the best things in life,
you don't see coming,
and those moments make the ones that hurt,
worth living for. 


  1. I love this poem...everything you said about the twists and turns of life is so true!

  2. Such a great poem from this "Hector the Collector" word bank.
